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Behavioral Expectations







                        Know that you can!









All Wheeler students are expected to follow PACK behavior each and every day throughout the school day as part of our expectations and character development! 


This year our class is using "fuzzies" to earn special classroom prizes. If a student collects 15 fuzzies by Friday of each week, they will be rewarded by choosing a prize out of our class treasure chest!

Students also have the option of trading in their fuzzies for blue paw tickets to participate in special PBIS school-wide events of their choice.


The entire class in Room 30 also work as a team! When the students as a whole are displaying PACK behavior, they earn "class fuzzies". 15 class fuzzies are needed to earn class prize, which the students brainstorm and vote on. Some previous class prizes students have enjoyed have been pajama day, extra recess, and stuffed animal party!








Clip Chart

In Room 30 we use a clip chart system for students to be aware and take ownership for their behavior. All students start fresh on green (ready to learn) each morning. As the day goes on they have the ability to clip up for great choices made. They also can clip down if too many reminders are given - but they always have the opportunity to clip back up! This is an opportunity for students to earn fuzzies as well!

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